Advanced Readings of substructure information - Color, Tone, Base PHS, ENVIRONMENT, VIEW, MOTIVATION and more
(In the last 6 years before he died in March 2011, Ra (the founder of Human Design). intensively taught advanced classes about the architectural structures below the surface of the chart. It was my great good fortune and privilege to be a participant in those classes.)
ADVANCED READINGS involve analyzing information that is called – substructure. It can be looked at in an Advanced Imaging chart which shows attributes of the cognitive architecture (base, tone and color) that bring differentiated nuance to the final expression on the surface at the line level.
The FOUR TRANSFORMATIONS are the STARTING POINT for working with the substructure in the advanced session work. There is separate page for the advanced session work that concerns the mind.
PHS deals with our potential for differentiation of form. (just as with finger prints, we potentially each have a unique body and brain, food is the first homogenization agent that blurs the differentiation)The Internal1. DIGESTION/DIETARY REGIMEN How your body is designed to selectively take in the exact nutrients to support brain/body differentiation. Nourishment for the inside. Food is the primary, nourishment, however it also indicates how we are nourished by life.
The External2. ENVIRONMENT How we are nourished on the outside and where your body meets the least resistance in the world.
Amazingly in the substructure there is information that concerns how we are designed to eat (NOT what we eat) so that our bodies and most importantly our brains, get the exact nutrients that support their unique functioning (known as a genetic pre-disposition to form differentiation – as in, everybody’s ‘face’ is shaped differently, so also with their brain and how it can specifically function in service of that unique form)
As we evolved as a specie we went from eating simple food (cave man diet) to eating within a very population dense context (modern man), there were resulting adaptations in our digestive system. The level of adaption that a digestive system carries can be read in the color and tone information.
Amazingly in the substructure there is information that concerns how we are designed to eat (NOT what we eat) so that our bodies and most importantly our brains, get the exact nutrients that support their unique functioning (known as a genetic pre-disposition to form differentiation – as in, everybody’s ‘face’ is shaped differently, so also with their brain and how it can specifically function in service of that unique form)
As we evolved as a specie we went from eating simple food (cave man diet) to eating within a very population dense context (modern man), there were resulting adaptations in our digestive system. The level of adaption that a digestive system carries can be read in the color and tone information.
Rave Psychology deals with the potential for differentiation of mind. (we are designed to share from a deeply subjective unique awareness).. The External3. PERSEPCTIVE, VIEW- the view of life that establishes and frames your unique awarenessThe Internal4. AWARENESS, MOTIVATION - represents the passenger’s unique conceptual awareness of their journey VIEW involves a DISTRACTION within its polarity MOTIVATION involves a TRANSFERENCE within its polarity. Our inner development with tracking these markers has a timing called 'the TRAJECTORY'. Homogenized thinking functions entirely through Color Transference and Distraction. Unique differentiated thinking functions through the true Motivation and Perspective which includes some referencing of Transference and Distraction for depth of meaning.
RAVE PSYCHOLOGY with its mapping of the mind is the information that educates the mind about the mind. We each have a differentiated ability to mentally process the world, the notion of an IQ test is totally 7 centered, it is setting an arbitrary standard for intelligence whereas as 9 centered beings we are equally intelligent in our own way. From a very early age we get the message to use the mind to run the life, we end up lost in a mental maize that is disconnected from our real cognitive mental gifts.
Rave Psychology deals with the potential for differentiation of mind. (we are designed to share from a deeply subjective unique awareness).. The External3. PERSEPCTIVE, VIEW- the view of life that establishes and frames your unique awarenessThe Internal4. AWARENESS, MOTIVATION - represents the passenger’s unique conceptual awareness of their journey VIEW involves a DISTRACTION within its polarity MOTIVATION involves a TRANSFERENCE within its polarity. Our inner development with tracking these markers has a timing called 'the TRAJECTORY'. Homogenized thinking functions entirely through Color Transference and Distraction. Unique differentiated thinking functions through the true Motivation and Perspective which includes some referencing of Transference and Distraction for depth of meaning.
RAVE PSYCHOLOGY with its mapping of the mind is the information that educates the mind about the mind. We each have a differentiated ability to mentally process the world, the notion of an IQ test is totally 7 centered, it is setting an arbitrary standard for intelligence whereas as 9 centered beings we are equally intelligent in our own way. From a very early age we get the message to use the mind to run the life, we end up lost in a mental maize that is disconnected from our real cognitive mental gifts.
The digestive system information (called Determination) can be seen in the Color. The 6 keynotes are: Appetite, Taste, Thirst, Touch, Sound and Light
In the above eg. 5th Color is the genetic adaption to population density and a digestion that works best in 'high volume sound'
Below the Color is the Tone, this indicates the main cognition the brain works with. We have all of them but there is one, that is the specialization inherent in our design. The 5 keynotes are: Smell , taste, outer and inner vision, feeling and touch In the above eg. 3rd Tone is 'Outer Vison', food needs to be visually stimulating. ENVIRONMENT - this is reading, where there is information in the chart concerning the environment that is most supportive to the unique life. In the end it is related to longevity since it is the place where you meet the least resistance on the body.
Color indicates the categories - Caves, Markets, Kitchens, Mountains, Valleys and ShoresTone indicates the cognition within the environment - Smell, taste, outer and inner vision, feeling and touch
A reading will give a context for how to understand those broad almost 'poetic' categories and what your Human Design chart indicates for you personally.
Below the Color is the Tone, this indicates the main cognition the brain works with. We have all of them but there is one, that is the specialization inherent in our design. The 5 keynotes are: Smell , taste, outer and inner vision, feeling and touch In the above eg. 3rd Tone is 'Outer Vison', food needs to be visually stimulating. ENVIRONMENT - this is reading, where there is information in the chart concerning the environment that is most supportive to the unique life. In the end it is related to longevity since it is the place where you meet the least resistance on the body.
Color indicates the categories - Caves, Markets, Kitchens, Mountains, Valleys and ShoresTone indicates the cognition within the environment - Smell, taste, outer and inner vision, feeling and touch
A reading will give a context for how to understand those broad almost 'poetic' categories and what your Human Design chart indicates for you personally.
PHS READINGSPRIMARY HEALTH SYSTEM – PHS is about how we are genetically designed to digest food and take in the nutrients that support the uniqueness of our form and in particular our cognitive differentiated brain function. (this is about how to eat, rather than what to eat.
PHS readings - I recommend the combination PHS and Environment as a comprehensive look at health factors. Fee is $250 for ninety minute in depth reading.
(It is an option to have a PHS only reading - fee is $185, 60 minutes)
Benefit is in sense of alignment
It takes about five minutes to describe the technical details of a person's PHS. It takes ninety minutes to place the information in the context of a person's unique mechanics. The eating regimen will trigger a long term cleansing process (assessed in seven year cycles), it is not intended as an instant magic bullet for better health. (that may or may not be an outcome) The main marker of its benefit is in a sense of the brain working more sharply and access through the enhanced perception to a greater sense of alignment and connection to your life purpose being on track.
The reading will examine how to recognize and trust the deconditioning that will be set in motion by the PHS eating. This cleaning process has its own timing within cycles of seven years.
PHS eating excavates (the extent of this excavation depends on how old you when you began the correct PHS eating)
In my own case, the migraines I had suffered from frequently stopped within weeks. However I spoke to Ra after my first 6 years of eating correctly (I started late in life, in my early 50's) and mentioned to him that though the sense of improved brain function was indisputable I was feeling more tired (not less), His answer was that it was a very positive result in that it showed that the density of Generator conditioning (as a Projector not knowing when enough was enough) and its toll on the body was surfacing.
When people are told about their PHS regimen, they usually remember that their body's inclination to eat that way has always been there (at some level. Sometimes people have been eating according to their PHS most of their lives, but without Strategy and Authority, decision making its benefits are often very muted.
The PHS eating regimen results in changes to the physical brain, so food is very primary However PHS is a marker for how we digest life at all levels, not just food. For example 'hot' food eaters will want a heated up life, 'cold' food eaters will want to chill.
The genetic pre-disposition for how the body wants to digest is very clear in young children, and supporting it is key to the development of the full potential for neural capacity in their brain. For us adults that were subjected to homogenized eating habits, those neural pathways were not optimally structured to support our uniqueness. When we come later in life to the PHS regimen does bring the possibility for serious enhancement of the physical brain. Though it is not the same as the opportunity that is there when the brain as an organ is forming in the first seven years.
Recently I was telling a mother that her child likes to eat ‘hot or warm food’, she told me the two and half year old refuses to eat anything cold (like fruit). When I pointed out that this was the intelligence in her body speaking, the mother instantly acknowledged that the pre-disposition for how her daughter wanted to eat was obvious and without this specific information she might over time have tried to dissuade her from this somewhat inconvenient inclination.
DESIGN RESONANCE SIGNPOSTS, health factor markers of genetic strengths and weakness.
A PHS/Environment REading will include a reference to where the body will be weakened from homogenized eating and incorrect environment. The older the person the more likely these weaknesses have become symptomatic as health problems. The cleansing process allows for a reversal of these weakened areas. They can be tracked as areas of increasing physical well being and genetic strength. This might take time but these markers of clear signposts for evidence gathering